All of the game’s files must be present for all of the aspects of the game to work properly. Missing Files: It’s conceivable that certain crucial files are missing from the game, creating the start issue.If you delete them, the program will automatically replace them. Plugins: The applications plugins may be corrupted or obsolete, resulting in the problem.

Compatibility: Because the program may have difficulties with your operating system at times, it is always a good idea to run the applications compatibility troubleshooter and let it choose the optimum settings for you.Also, if the mod and F4SEs versions are the same, the program may have problems. Conflicting Mod: It’s also possible that the mods you’ve installed clash with the F4SE complexity because they’re old or broken.Because the program must make communication with the servers during the startup, this might cause issues. Firewall: The Windows Firewall can sometimes prevent some apps from connecting to the internet.

As a result, updating the F4SE program is highly suggested. It’s conceivable that the Creation Club has upgraded and is now blocking you from utilizing F4SE.

How to Fix Fallout 4 Script Extender Not Working on Windows 10 Method 5: Run Compatibility Troubleshooter.How to Fix Fallout 4 Script Extender Not Working on Windows 10.